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Friday, September 21, 2018

Digital Literacy & The Internet

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Let's we explore the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory
(input > process > output)
  • Laptop
  • Server
  • Tablet
  • Desktop

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Mobile and game devices
  • Smartphone
  • Digital camera
  • Portable media player
  • E-book reader
  • Game console
Data and Information

Connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers

A computer program (such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) that enables internet users to access, navigate, and search World Wide Web site

Search Engine
A computer program that searches databases and internet sites for the documents containing keywords specified by a user (Google, Yahoo)

Online Social Network
Switches and routers use a variety of protocols and algorithms to exchange information and to transport data to its intended endpoint
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Digital Safety and Security

Important to protects the device, Green Computing present the action to reduce the electricity consumed by the computer

Programs and App

The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes (industry)

Technology integration allows us to be competitive users in a huge society. The more we know, the more we will stand out for future (employers and client)


worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals

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An Internet service provider (ISP) is a business that provides individuals and organizations access to the Internet free or for a fee. (Unifi,TM,Celcom)

World Wide Web (WWW) 
Consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents (webpages)
A website is a collection of related webpages and associated items
A web server is a computer that delivers requested webpages to your computer

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  • Virtual reality (VR) is the use of computers to simulate a real or imagined environment that appears as a three-dimensional space (example; space capsule)
  • An animation is the appearance of motion (image in sequence)
  • An infographic is a visual representation of data and information, simplify the complex concept
  • Other services;
Email is the transmission of messages and files via a computer network
An email list is a group of email addresses used for mass distribution of a message
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading to and from other computers on the Internet

Netiquette is the code of acceptable Internet behavior
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VoIP (Voice over IP) enables users to speak to other users over the Internet (Viber, WhatsApp, Skype)

Computer and Mobile Device & Microsoft Word

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A personal computer (PC) is a computer that can perform all of its input, processing, output, and storage activities by itself 
A mobile computer is a portable personal computer, portable
A desktop computer is a personal computer designed to be in a stationary location
A laptop (notebook) computer, screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
A tablet,lightweight, touch screen


Definition: A computer that provide service to device/computer/network
Serves bits and bytes of data that enter and leave the server 

Mainframe : powerful server that handles connected users simultaneously

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most powerful computer
Regular hardware combined in enormous proportions


Limited processing power, that enables users to send and receive data
Most retail stores use a point of sale (POS)

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Automated Teller Machine (ATM); Connects to a host computer through a network

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A self-service kiosk is a touch screen freestanding terminal (user interaction)
Image result for self service kioskImage result for self service kiosk in cinema

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  • A smartphone is an Internet-capable touchscreen phone 
  • A digital camera is a mobile device that allows users to take photos 
  • A personal media player; a mobile device on which can store digital media
  • An e-book reader (short for electronic book reader)

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A special-purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger product, as automobiles etc;

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Hardware fails on functions caused by;
Overvoltage or power surge

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Applied science devoted to incorporating comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of items in the workplace

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Microsoft Word

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Penggunaan komputer dalam melaksanakan kerja seharian juga melibatkan perisian pemprosesan perkataan melalui Microsoft Word yang menjadi aplikasi utama yang menjadi pilihan bagi seluruh peringkat umur.

Kemahiran yang diketengahkan termasuklah membina surat dan seterusnya menggunakan kaedah mail merge (mel cantum).

Digital Safety and Security & Microsoft Excel

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Digital security risk : any event or action that cause loss to a device hardware or processing capability.
Computer crime : any illegal act related the use of a devices generally
Cybercrime : an online illegal act


  • hardware, software, or information theft
  • theft
  • system failure
  • networks attack

                               Hacker                                                                            Cracker
      - break the system, just to test the weakness                - breaks and sabotage the element of system
      - do not damage or destroy the system                          - aggressive and dangerous, unethical

  • Rather than information on an organization's premises, data transmitted over the network has higher degree risk
  • Malicious software (Malware), contains program that acts without the knowledge of users
  • Firewall, software that protects a network's resources from intrusion
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Unauthorized Access and Use

  • Unauthorized access is the use of a computer or network without permission, to prevent it , the secure site use Encryption 
  • Unauthorized use is the use of a computer or its data for unapproved or illegal activity
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  • An possessed object is any item that you must carry to gain access to a computer , personal identification number (PIN), using biometric device
  • Digital forensic, analysis of evidence in networks
  • Software theft occurs, when stealing the software media, erase programs, and copies program illegally. Thus, we use license agreement so that they follow the conditions
  • Information theft occurs when someone steals personal or confidential information
  • Hardware crime either theft or vandalism, it is related to digital equipment
  • A backup is a duplicate of a file, program, or media that can be used if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed
Information privacy
  • Refers to the right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of information about them
  • Phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking email message that attempts to obtain your personal and/or financial information
Ethics and Society
  • Digital rights management (DRM) is a strategy designed to prevent illegal distribution of movies, music, and other digital content 
  • The most concern things about information accuracy
  • Web filtering software restricts access to specified websites
Microsoft Excel

Di atas penghasilan Microsoft Corporation, sebuah aplikasi perisian lembaran kerja telah berfungsi dalam pengunaan teks, perhitungan dan manipulasi carta bagi menyelesaikan tugasan seperti perakauanan.

Proses yang dilampirkan menjadi contoh yang dapat membantu pengguna dalam merekod, dan mengira dengan mudah berkenaan kedatangan, pencapaian, atau perbelanjaan sesebuah organisasi (contohnya : sekolah).

Program, Apps & Blog

A disk defragmenter is a tool that reorganizes the files In this subpoint, we will be exposed to the differences between application, program and software.

Application: To execute, this program that designed for end-user will rely on system software to run
  • create, edit, format, save, and distribute the project.
  • Word processing software allows users to create and manipulate documents
  • Presentation software allows users to create visual aids for presentations 
  • Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data; for presentations and paperworks
  • Database software allows users to create, access, and manage a database; to stored and tracked
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  • Project management software (Microsoft Project, JIRA, Trello)
  • Accounting software; financial transactions (Quickbooks, GnuCash)
  • Legal software is an application that assists in the preparation of legal documents, legal information
COMMUNICATION: blogging, browsing, email, video conference

Software: It can be made up of more than one program; other operating information used by a computer
  • A media player is a program that allows you to view images, audio, and watch video f
  • Disc burning software writes text, graphics, audio, and video files on a recordable or rewritable disc
Program: A set of instructions telling a computer what to do.

We should note that not necessary a program is an application, as it was not designed to the end user.

  • Security Tools; 
- Personal Firewall detected the unauthorized intrusions
- Antivirus program protects a computer against viruses

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- Spyware secretly collects information about the users in their device
Adware is a program that displays an online advertisement 
  • File and Disk Management Tools;
- A disk defragmenter is a tool that reorganizes the files, so OS accesses data more quicker
- A search tool is a program, usually included with an operating system, attempts to locate a file
- An uninstaller is a tool that removes a program

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Pengenalan Kepada Blog

Definisi: singkatan untuk weblog di mana catatan atau jurnal peribadi dipaparkan di jaringan internet.

Kepentingan Blog: 

  • Bertukar-tukar maklumat tentang sesuatu perkara yang blogger (pengguna blog)
  • Menjadi salah satu rujukan utama untuk mengetahui info terkini secara rasmi mahupun tidak
  • Membolehkan pengguna memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan sesuatu kepada umum
Faedah Penghasilan Blog:

  • Menjadi senjata serangan pena, suatu budaya yang perlu dielakkan bagu mengelakkan berlakunya perkara negatif
  • Mempelajari teknik penulisan yang lebih baik dan matang
  • Memupuk pencernaan minda dalam menyediakan persekitaran blog yang kreatif
  • Keupayaan menilai sesuatu sama ada sahih ataupun auta
Penggunaan Blog:

  • Personal blog : blog peribadi tentang seseorang
  • Political blog : blog berkaitan politik
  • Education blog : blog tentang pendidikan
  • Travel blog : blog berkategorikan pengembaraan, atau panduan kembara
Penciptaan blog boleh dilaksanakan melalui Blogger.com atau Wordpress.

Manfaatkanlah platform yang telah tersedia untuk anda dengan sebaiknya. Blog sememangnya sesuai untuk dikendalikan untuk pelbagai peringkat umur yang ingin berkongsi apa sahaja dengan umum di Internet.

Digital Storage & Operating system


Definition: A physical material that keeps information, and applications in computer.

  • Capacity; quantity of bytes that storage medium can hold (Yottabyte (YB), 1 septillion)
  • When you turn off the computer/mobile device, contents of storage remain intact
  • Duration of a storage device to locate item on a storage medium is known as access time
  • The faster transfer rate is goes to Memory (most RAM), interpreted and executed by the processor
Type of Storage

Storage refers to :

·         SSDs; Solid State Drive (flash memory chips) ,  no moving part (smaller capacity) with higher price (1TB , RM 1000) and high speed, but short lifespan and low power consumption (2W) if compared to hard disk
·         Hard disks; inflexible circular platters (magnetic particles), that store data and instructions
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* A head crash, a read/write head touches the surface of platters (keep backup of hard disk)
* External hard disk, separate freestanding storage device, connect with cable

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·         USB Flash Drives; plug into USB port
·         Memory Cards; removable flash memory, that can be inserted and removed from slot in a device
·         Optical Discs; portable disc, that is written and read by a laser
It stores items in single track that spiral from the center to the edge
CD-ROM – only can be read (single-session)
CD-R – can be only written once
CD-RW – erasable (rewritable) multisession disc
DVD is same goes to CD but with higher capacity
·         Cloud Storage; another online storage media option provided by Internet Service


  • Magnetic stripe card
  • Smart card
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), contains the information to be transmitted via radio waves
·         Microfilm and microfiche, stores microscopic images, in roll/sheet film

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A set of programs including instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer and mobile device hardware
A user interface (UI) controls how you enter data and instructions 

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Manage programs: directly affects our productivity
  1.           single and multi-task
  2.           foreground and background
  3.           single and multi-user 
- Determine the order in which tasks are processed
DRIVE: a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with the certain device
- Establish an internet connection
- Start and shut down the computer or mobile device
- Provide the tools to manage the computer/device/programs
  1.           screen saver
  2.           file compression
  3.           search
  4.           file manager
  5.           backup and restore
- Update operating system software: play automatically configures new devices as we install and provide new features to the program
- Enable us to login/access resources on network
USERNAME: user ID, a spesific users                  PASSWORD: a private of combination of characters

Example of Operating System (OS) by category

Desktop ; Windows, OS X, UNIX, Linux, Chrome OS
- It works on desktop, tablet, laptop
- Windows 8 comes with unique features, include desktop interface
- It eases the users to make some input/function within touch of keyboard
- OS X is the latest version
- UNIX , multitask OS develope in early 1970's
- Linux, multitask UNIX-based OS

Mobile ; Google Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone
- It resides on firmware
- Android, an open source, Linux-based mobile OS designed by Google
- iOS, specifically for Apple's mobile devices that developed by Apple
- Windows phone, runs on smartphones that developed by Microsoft

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Komponen, Aplikasi, Etika dan Keselamatan Komputer

Secara am, komputer berfungsi memproses, menyimpan, dan menggerakkan data serta mengawal komponen yang terlibat ketika fungsi-fungsi itu tadi berlangsung.

Model Von Neumann
  • Merupakan struktur asas yang yang dicadangkan dalam laporan berkaitan konsep atur cara tersimpan dalam ingatan komputer yang dikenali sebagai EDVAC.
  • Komponen utama : ingatan utama, unit pemprosesan dan unit kawalan,
  • ENIAC komputer elektronik pertama yang mengaplikasikan model ini sehingga tahun 1955.
Unit Sistem
  • Mengandungi papan induk, ingatan utama (cip memori, RAM, ROM, CMOS), cache, storan sekunder, unit pemprosesan, unit input, unit output, dan perkakasan komunikasi.
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Aplikasi Komputer
  • Kod atur cara paling utama ialah sistem pengoperasian (OS)
  • Perisian sistemjuga berfungsi dalam perisian utiliti dan perkakasan.
  • Perisian aplikasi terlibat dalam proses pangkalan data, perkataan, dan lembaran kerja
  • MICROSOFT (word, excel, powerpoint)
Etika dan Keselamatan Komputer
  • Penggunan komputer yang mengikut kod etika dan keselamatan menjadi keutamaan bagi memastikan dan mengelakkan sikap tidak profesional dalam kalangan rakyat yang kini semakin bijak terhadap teknologi dan IT. 
  • Aplikasi dan rangkaian sosial menitikberatkan kesantunan dan perilaku tertib tanpa mengganggu intelektual pengguna itu sendiri mahupun orang lain.
  • Berkenaan keselamatan pula meliputi 4 perkara asas yang merangkumi kerahsiaan, integriti, kesediaan, dan penggunaan yang betul.
  • Bagi melindungi sistem komputer daripada di diancam dengan pelbagai jenayah komputer, pencegahan dan tindakan awal perlu dilaksanakan melalui peranan yang betul dalam mengendalikan komputer.
  • Pada tahap yang terbaik, fizikal, data dan sistem komputer sentiasa terpelihara.
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Carian Maklumat

Medium di dalam komputer atau rangkaian yang dapat menghubungkan dan meintegrasikan semuanya di seluruh dunia adalah melalui internet. Koleksi laman web yang berkaitan, websites (tapak web) tersimpan di sebuah komputer, web server (pelayan web). Antara web browser (perisian program membolehkan pengguna mencapai web server) yang wujud ialah, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Browser dan sebagainya.

Enjin Carian

Penggunaan enjin carian :
Jenis-jenis enjin carian :

  • Berasaskan crawler; program yang digunakan untuk mengakses website dan merupakan enjin carian bagi Google dan Ask Jeeves
  • Enjin Carian Hibrid; menggunakan gabungan pencarian berasaskan crawler dan direktori, contohnya Yahoo dan Google
  • Enjian Carian Meta; menggabungkan keputusan carian daripada semua enjian carian, menyenaraikannya dalam satu senarai yang panjang. Contonya, lxquick (www.lxquick.com)
  • Enjian Carian Khusus; memfokuskan keperluan sesuatu bidang, contohnya kategori peta terdapat Google Maps dan Bing Maps

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