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Nazirah Marash: Digital Storage & Operating system expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>

Friday, September 21, 2018

Digital Storage & Operating system


Definition: A physical material that keeps information, and applications in computer.

  • Capacity; quantity of bytes that storage medium can hold (Yottabyte (YB), 1 septillion)
  • When you turn off the computer/mobile device, contents of storage remain intact
  • Duration of a storage device to locate item on a storage medium is known as access time
  • The faster transfer rate is goes to Memory (most RAM), interpreted and executed by the processor
Type of Storage

Storage refers to :

·         SSDs; Solid State Drive (flash memory chips) ,  no moving part (smaller capacity) with higher price (1TB , RM 1000) and high speed, but short lifespan and low power consumption (2W) if compared to hard disk
·         Hard disks; inflexible circular platters (magnetic particles), that store data and instructions
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* A head crash, a read/write head touches the surface of platters (keep backup of hard disk)
* External hard disk, separate freestanding storage device, connect with cable

Image result for cip memori komputer

·         USB Flash Drives; plug into USB port
·         Memory Cards; removable flash memory, that can be inserted and removed from slot in a device
·         Optical Discs; portable disc, that is written and read by a laser
It stores items in single track that spiral from the center to the edge
CD-ROM – only can be read (single-session)
CD-R – can be only written once
CD-RW – erasable (rewritable) multisession disc
DVD is same goes to CD but with higher capacity
·         Cloud Storage; another online storage media option provided by Internet Service


  • Magnetic stripe card
  • Smart card
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), contains the information to be transmitted via radio waves
·         Microfilm and microfiche, stores microscopic images, in roll/sheet film

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A set of programs including instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer and mobile device hardware
A user interface (UI) controls how you enter data and instructions 

Image result for user interface

Manage programs: directly affects our productivity
  1.           single and multi-task
  2.           foreground and background
  3.           single and multi-user 
- Determine the order in which tasks are processed
DRIVE: a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with the certain device
- Establish an internet connection
- Start and shut down the computer or mobile device
- Provide the tools to manage the computer/device/programs
  1.           screen saver
  2.           file compression
  3.           search
  4.           file manager
  5.           backup and restore
- Update operating system software: play automatically configures new devices as we install and provide new features to the program
- Enable us to login/access resources on network
USERNAME: user ID, a spesific users                  PASSWORD: a private of combination of characters

Example of Operating System (OS) by category

Desktop ; Windows, OS X, UNIX, Linux, Chrome OS
- It works on desktop, tablet, laptop
- Windows 8 comes with unique features, include desktop interface
- It eases the users to make some input/function within touch of keyboard
- OS X is the latest version
- UNIX , multitask OS develope in early 1970's
- Linux, multitask UNIX-based OS

Mobile ; Google Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone
- It resides on firmware
- Android, an open source, Linux-based mobile OS designed by Google
- iOS, specifically for Apple's mobile devices that developed by Apple
- Windows phone, runs on smartphones that developed by Microsoft

Image result for application and software difference

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